Let's Go Shopping

Studio Lids
Let's Go Shopping

The Studio Lid is a modified variant of the Studio 300 Skiff. By removing all of the rails from the Studio 300 Skiff and adding a pair of Studio 300 End Cheeks, the reconfiguration can be flipped through 180 degrees and used as a lid for the Studio 300 Skiff, Studio 500 Desktop and Studio 700 Boat.

The Studio System fitted with Studio LIDs

The standard (low-cost) variation of the Studio LID without rails is shown at the left in the above image. In addition to keeping the cost of the lid down, it also allows the use of thumbscrews for retaining the modules but does mean that there is a small gap between the case and the lid. lf not using thumbscrews and wishing to achieve a 'fully closed' solution, then the Studio LID can be fitted with 2 outer rails which then meet the opposing rails of the case and close the solution off.

Lid Width Bill Of Materials

The Studio LID provides almost 60mm of internal clearance and so can easily accomodate and accomodate a double-stack of 4mm banana plugs and a double-stacked 3.5mm Stackcable.

With the lid fitted to your case you then have the option of adding a Should Strap which can greatly assist with carrying the unit, especially with the larger width units.

The strap is fitted as part of the biscuit (or crossbar) that locks the lid to the case and so by just removing the thumbscrew that locks the biscuit to the case (in preference to the one that locks it to the lid), the strap can be removed along with the lid leaving the case uncluttered.




Email:  elby-designs@bigpond.com
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