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CGS506 V0.2
Multi Channel Stereo Mixer

Previous Version CGS506 V0.1 (with only Output PCB)

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3D Model

The Multi-Channel Stereo Mixer (MCSM) Is a much improved Alternative Output VCA/Mixer/Panner featuring true synth VCA's, specifically designed to sound best for making music. It replaces the former CGS101 DCSM offering smoother responses over the full 0-5V range of envelope control. There are no blind spots, the sound is full-throated, not explosive or hard to control, and when the VCA is off, it is completely silent.

There are two manual controls to the MCSM - a [PAN] control to set the sound anywhere from fully L(eft) to fully R(ight), and a [VC PAN] input jack and control which serve to set the amount and direction of a CVs effect on spatial location. With the control set clockwise to [R-L], a positive going CV moves sound from right to left. When set counterclockwise to [L-R], a positive CV moves the sound from left to right. The [VC PAN] control can thus be used to effect quite subtle spatial results

The MCSM is used for standard output level control (or enveloping) and for voltage controlled panning. The MCSM has two independent channels for stereo panning. Each channel in the MCSM has two VC inputs, one for amplitude control and one for panning.

Auxiliary inputs are used to feed other signals into the outputs of the module. Signals applied here will not be affected by knobs or control voltages applied to the module. These are mainly useful for linking other mixers (either manual or voltage controlled) to the output bus.

The output is available at:-

  • a pair of 3.5mm jacks providing unbalanced outputs,
  • a pair of 1/4" jacks providing balanced outputs.

The CGS506 can be expanded to larger configurations through the addition of the CGS506-Extension, with each extra 'stage' adding 2 further channels to the mix.

The supplementary wiring guide below shows how to wire the CGS506 for use as a Stereo Mixer.

The V0.2 version converts the 6.35mm outputs in to balanced outputs. The V0.1 build can be upgraded by replacing the Output Module with the new Output and Balanced Modules.

PCB Dimensions: 2" x 6" with 3.2mm fixing points 0.15" from the edges
Power Consumption:
+12V @ 18mA
-12V @ 13mA
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