Build Guide - PCB Assembly
3D Model
Plan View

Constructors should refer to the Component Overlays along with,
the PCB Bill of Materials for the current value of all components, and
the General Construction Notes for general PCB assembly guidelines.

  • Fit all components except J301 and J302 on the Lower PCB
  • Only fit J301 on the Lower PCB IF it is the ONLY PCB ie you are NOT using the Upper PCB
  • When both boards are complete, fit J302 on to J401
  • Fit all the spacers and then offer the Upper PCB assembly to the Lower PCB assembly guiding the pins of J302 in to its footprint
  • Solder J302 in to place

A wire link needs to be added as shown in the overlay between the top pad of R10 and the top pad of R15.

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