Build Guide - PCB Assembly

If not done in the factory, cut the track on the component layer at the point marked 'X' on the overlay

  1. Fit all components as per the BOM noting that C1001 and C801 should be laid flat to the PCB to minimise component height
  2. R2 should be positioned over the cut-out in the PCB and raised to be about 2mm clear of the PCB or by using the ceramic spacers supplied in our kits.
  3. Refer to the 3D Model for positioning of the wire links in P801 and P1001
  4. Fit R404 to the underside of the PCB as indicated in the BOM and 3D Model
  5. Assemble the EG FIX PCB as per the BOM
  6. Attach wires (approximately 5cm long) to pads J3 and J4
  7. Mount the sub-assembly in to the sockets for U803 and U1003
  8. Cut and trim the wires and solder to the diodes D801 and D1001 and as shown on the overlay


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