Let's Go Shopping
MonoWave (X)
Reproduced with permission from Paul Maddox
Let's Go Shopping
MonoWave(X) Specifications
2 Oscillators: Each with 256 waveforms, 127 from PPG2.2/2.3.
Each oscillator has a Sub oscillator, and seperate volume controls for each.
Overall tune and octave selection for each oscillator with fine detune for oscillator 2.
You can also lower the resolution (de-rez) of either/both oscillators for a more gritty sound.
Also the current waveform can be controlled via MIDI CC.
VCF: Is a Moog Ladder copy. 24dB/Octave, Low-pass.
You can route Keyfollow & Velocity to it.
You can also overdrive the incomming signals and the resonance a little.
VCA: Very high signal to noise ratio and incredibly clean sounding.
You can route the Velocity to it and also slightly overdrive it as well.
2 EG's: One for Filter and one for VCA, both are ADSR type.
These go from a quick ~7mS to a few seconds for each stage (ATTACK = ~6 Seconds, SUSTAIN & RELEASE > 20 Seconds).
A 'HOLD' mode is also available.
LFO: Triangle wave LFO, routable to Osc1 pitch, Osc2 pitch and VCF (via note follow knob).
Rate can be varied via MIDI CC.
You can also chose to turn on 'keysync' so pressing a new note will restart the LFO.
Display: The display is a 2-line LCD.
LEDs for de-rez buttons and LFO/Midi Activity LED so you can instantly see MIDI data that is recognised by the Monowave.
Connections: MIDI-IN, MIDI-THRU and Audio out (monophonic).
Operating System

The OS (V5.2) has the following features;-

  • Ability to use detune to offset second oscillator in semitones
  • LFO, a triangle wave, but it can be routed to Osc1, Osc2 and VCF in any combination, LFO/Arp rate now controllable by MIDI CC number 48
  • CC16,17,18 and 19 control oscillator waveform
  • It responds to midi on any channel set by user (pressing SEL+CHAN buttons) the channel number is stored in flash memory
  • It responds to midi note-on, and both types of midi note-off, velocity can be routed to filter cut off and amplitutde
  • Up to 32 notes can be held, and it will play the most recent first, letting go of the most recent will drop back the previously held down note
  • Re-trigger optional (pressing SEL+RTRIG buttons). (If you hold a note and then hit a new note the EGs will re-trigger) again this setting is stored in flash memory
  • Sending a MIDI stop command to the Monowave will clear off any held notes
  • Sending ALLNOTES OFF or ALLSOUND OFF will clear any held notes
  • Sending 'RESET' through midi will clear all notes/gate and reset pitchbend
  • Modwheel controls speed of arpeggiator (when not synced to midi)
  • Arpeggiator, With three modes (each with a choice of staccato/legato), speed controllable via the mod wheel and syncable to midi. When sync'd to midi you can choose how many notes to the bar it plays (1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24,32 or 96). Providing you press a key within the first 16th of a note it will sound and then play in time, if you miss the first 16th and press a key, no sound will be heard until the next note is due, this ensures your arpeggio's sound in time with everything else, The arpeggio mode and speed are saved in flash memory
  • All settings are saved when you exit from any of the menus, this ensures when you power it backup you get the same sound (settings are ;- midi channel, waveform selection, ARP mode and retrigger mode).
Power +15VDC at approximately 400mA.
Email:  elby-designs@bigpond.com
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