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Let's Go Shopping
ASM306 - Audio Out
Let's Go Shopping

The ASM306 is a simple utility module providing a convenient way to get sound out of your modular and features a stereo headphone amplifier and a 'crossfeed' function which mimics the inter-channel interactions of the real world by delaying and attenuating the signal from one channel and feeding it to the other. The use of the crossfeed results in a realistically spacious sound stage where instrument locations seem more natural. This perceived depth also lowers the listener fatigue considerably.

Heaphone output suits high-impedance stereo headphones (> 32Ohms). In addition, 2 balanced outputs allow for longer cable runs and can often help in reducing hum due to ground-loop connections between different equipment.

Module Width
Module Depth
+12V @
-12V @

Build Guide

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