Build Guide - PCB Assembly

3D Model
Plan View

Constructors should refer to the Component Overlays along with,
the Bill of Materials for the current value of all components, and
the General Construction Notes for general PCB assembly guidelines.

  1. Fit all components
  2. Offer the assembly up to the panel and secure using the supplied nuts

Build Options

There are 4 common build options for the ASM324

The ASM324-3.5mm and ASM324-4mm would be the more popular options allowing for patching within a single format system i.e. all 3.5mm or all 4mm jack systems.

The ASM324-3i4o and ASM324-4i3o are more suited for patching between mixed format systems.

By default, we supply only BLACK jacks with the modules but any mix of the 9 jack colours is available on request.

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