3D Model |
Overlay |
Plan View |
Column 1 PCB |
Column 2 PCB |
Backboard PCB |
Constructors should refer to the Component Overlays along with,
the Bill of Materials for the current value of all components, and
the General Construction Notes for general PCB assembly guidelines.
- Assemble the 5x Jack Carrier boards
- Fit all components to the boards Jack Carrier sub-assemblies
- Mount 2x Jack Carrier sub-assemblies to the Column 1 PCB but do not solder
- Offer the assembly up to the front panel and secure the using the supplied nuts
- Solder the Jack Carrier sub-assemblies in to place
- Mount 3x Jack Carrier sub-assemblies to the Column 2 PCB but do not solder
- Offer the assembly up to the front panel and secure using the supplied nuts
- Solder the Jack Carrier sub-assemblies in to place
- Install the BackBoard ensuring the correct alignment of the IDC connectors
Installing the TEMPCO
- Fit an 8-way DIP socket in to the position designated Q201 and insert the LS312
- Form the legs of the 1K TEMPCO resistor so that it sits over, and makes contact with, the LS312. If desired, you can add some thermal compound to improve the bonding between the IC and the TEMPCO.