CGS721 - Super Psycho LFO

The CGS721 is a much expanded version of the Psycho LFO, featuring six free-running oscillators, each variable between LFO and audio ranges, two of which can be switched to have triangular wave outputs. Each oscillator can be switched between low and high ranges, as well as off, and also has a rate LED, to allow visual determination of the frequency at which it is running. As per the original, there are also level and glide controls.

How to use this module: This module can be used to create a range of pseudo-random modulation voltages that can be used to generate unusual sequences, control VCFs or or VCAs etc. When run at higher frequencies, it can be used as a series of audio drones, or to generate complex sounds by frequency modulating a VCO.

NB: When switching the oscillators with triangular outputs [OFF], it is best to switch their outputs to square wave, as otherwise an offset voltage will be introduced into the mixed output.

Module Width
Module Depth
+12V @
-12V @
Bill of Materials - 3.5mm - 4mm
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