Build Guide - PCB Assembly

3D Model


Plan View



Constructors should refer to the Component Overlays along with,
the PCB Bill of Materials for the current value of all components, and
the General Construction Notes for general PCB assembly guidelines.

The SIGNAL inputs are, by default, AC coupled and so are only suited to audio type signals. If you wish to control CV type signals then replace the relevant input capacitors (C3, C4 and/or C5) with a wire link, we also recommend changing their jack colours to BLUE.

The CGS364 requires a matched NPN transistor pair in the Amplifier Stage at Q5 for optimum performance. Please refer to Dual-Matched Transistors for further details.

Jumper JP1 allows the output levels of the module to be reduced so that it can be used as a basic audio output for conenction to external equipment. Short JP1_1 & JP1_2 for the standard output levels or JP1_2 & JP1_3 for the reduced level audio output.

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