Build Guide - Calibration
  1. Set [IN1], [CV1] and [RESONANCE] to maximum
  2. Set [IN2] and [CV2] to minimum
  3. Set [FREQUENCY] to ‘2’
  4. Adjust P201 fully counter-clockwise
  5. Apply a 0.25Hz 5VAC sawtooth to [IN1]
  6. Monitor the [BP] output
  7. Apply 0VDC to [CV1]
  8. Adjust [FREQUENCY] for an output of 10Hz
  9. Apply 2.0VDC to [CV1]
  10. Adjust P201 for an output of 40Hz
  11. Repeat steps (7) to (10) until the desired 4:1 scale is achieved

Note that the adjustment of P201 will affect both measurements so you will need to ‘slowly bring the frequency scaling in to range’ otherwise you could end up chasing your tail!


  1. Set all controls to minimum except for [FREQUENCY] which should be set to '5'
  2. Set P101 and P102 to their mid-position
  3. Measure the voltage at U201_6 and adjust [FREQUENCY] for a reading of as close to 0V as possible
  4. Monitor the [BP] output
  5. Adjust P101 so that output voltage is as close to 0V as possible. You should be able to get to within +/-5mV
  6. Monitor the [LP] output
  7. Adjust P102 so that output voltage is as close to 0V as possible. You should be able to get to within +/-5mV.
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