Let's Go Shopping

Studio 300 Skiffs
Let's Go Shopping

The Series 300 is a skiff style enclosure with an internal module depth of ~51mm (~40mm if ED70x busboards are fitted) and is available in the standard widths of 42HP, 84HP, 104HP, 126HP and 168HP. Other interim widths of 62HP, 146HP and 188HP are available on special order.

The Studio 300 Family
(Studio 300 Portable Skiff)
(Lid - Studio 300 Skiff with End Cheeks - Studio 300 Skiff)

Studio 300 42HP

White End Cheeks are available to cosmetically enhance the appearance of the Studio 300 aswell as raise the metal skiff off the work surface to prevent scuffing and scratching of both the work surface and the skiff.

With End Cheeks fitted you can fit a Studio LID as a deep lid. This lid allows a semi-patched boat to be transported without the need to unpatch.
To simplify patching between multiple boats we recommend the use of the ED142 Extenda-Patch.


Email:  elby-designs@bigpond.com
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