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EuroSynth Power Supply
and Busboard Solutions

The following drawings show the recommended minimum configuration of powered and passive busboards
for our range of Studio Series enclosures.
When considering these systems you should be aware of the total loading that will be applied to the system
and ensure that both the powered busboard(s) and external DC supply are sufficent for the task.

If additional power is required then you should replace one of the passive busboards with a powered busboard.
The 2nd link in the 2x 3U 168HP column shows an example of this.

  2x 3U 84HP
2x 3U 104HP
2x 3U 126HP
2x 3U 168HP
Studio 300
Studio 500
Studio 700

The Studio 300 and Studio 700 family will only accept one busboard per 42HP section.
The Studio 500 family will accept up to 2 boards per section.
The numbers in brackets under the table headings indicates the maximum number of powered modules
supported using the configurations.
The Studio 500 family can double this number by using 2x busboards per 42HP section.

Our range of busboards all share a common footprint and are readily installed in to any of our Studio series
using a Busboard Carrier Plate.
Multiple boards are interconnected using our Busboard Cable and Busboard Power Sets.

Email:  elby-designs@bigpond.com
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